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$18 for orders less than $100, $12 for orders greater than $100. US orders please add $10 by using the Paypal button below. International Orders see Shipping Info

Easy Boots

"Riding" Boots

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Information and purchasing is now presented at Equestrian Life Market

EasyBoot Epic

easy boot epic horse boot

The Easyboot Epic is the ideal boot for aggressive conditions or for a horse that is difficult to keep booted.

Easyboot Grip Size 3

easy boot grip

The Easyboot Grip is essentially the Easyboot Epic with an aggressive sole and traction tread pattern. 

EasyBoot Glove Soft

easy boot glove soft horse boot

 Flexible and tough, this boot adds traction and protection to the hoof, while allowing a free stride and a natural breakover. 

EasyBoot Back Country
Size .5 

The Easyboot Glove Back Country is Adorned With Features

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Information and purchasing is now presented at Equestrian Life Market

Old Mac Generation 2

old mac g2 horse protective boot

 A great option for pleasure riding (less than 25 miles per week) and can also serve as a therapy boot.

 Easyboot Trail

easy boot trail horse hoof boot

The Easyboot Trails'  attachment system assures booted success throughout the trim cycle. 

Easyboot Trail Original

easybot trial original horse boot riding

The Easyboot Trail Original is  easy to apply and remove - and very affordable.  This is a perfect hoof boot for the casual rider.

Easy Boot Mini

easybootmini horse protective hoof boot

Designed for miniature horses, ponies and foals, and easy to apply, this hoof boot is the ultimate option for tiny hooves. 

Easyboot Sneaker

easyboot sneaker horse protective hoof boot

The Easyboot Sneaker is the most pliable hoof boot in the Easyboot lineup, designed to give the hoof maximum flexibility.

EasyCare Therapy Boots

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Information and purchasing is now presented at Equestrian Life Market

Easy Soaker

easy soaker

The EasySoaker is perfect for a variety of applications where protection or treatment of the hoof is required.

Easyboot Rx

easyboot rx horse therapy boot

The Easyboot Rx is just the prescription for horses requiring a therapy boot that offers stability and support without being heavy or clunky. 

Easyboot Cloud

easyboot cloud horse therapy boot

The  Easyboot Cloud is  designed to give comfort and support to horses with thin soles, abscesses, founder, laminitic stages, stresses of shipping, recovery after workouts or stalling on hard surfaces. 

Easyboot Remedy & Ultimate Remedy

easyboot remedy hoof ice soaker boot

The ideal soaking/ icing boot for a horses' feet, ankles and knees

Easy Boot Accessories

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Information and purchasing is now presented at Equestrian Life Market

Easyboot Cloud Replacement Pad

Easy Boot/ Old Mac Gaiter

easy boot gaiter

Boot Studs

easy boot studs

There are many more accessories available, including gaiters for Easyboot Glove, Epic and Edge boots
There are also boots for minis, glue on "flip flops", glue on boots , and Easyshoes
Let me know what you are looking for
 here, and I'll see if I can get it in

Measuring for Boots

measuring for easy boots

It is important to match the width and length of the hoof to the Horse Boot size. The front hooves of most horses tend to be more round and wider than the hind hooves. The best fit may require a smaller size for the hind.

How to get the correct size boot for your horse: 
After a fresh trim

-Measure the width of the hoof across the bottom at the widest point. 

-Measure the length of the hoof from the toe to the buttress line of the heel.The buttress line is the farthest weight bearing point of the heel. 

-Compare your measurement with the proper size chart 

Ideally, the width and length measurement will fit into the same Horse Bootâ„¢ size. If the width and length measurements indicate different sizes, select the larger size. 

Proper Hoof Measurement:
If the foot is dirty or you have trouble visualizing the butress line, the bottom of the foot can be lightly rasped or brushed until the hoof wall is clear. The ideal situation is where you can get 2 measurements, one before and one right after trimming. This will tell you how much growth to expect between trimmings.

Measuring Length:
Generally speaking, the length is the most important measurement when booting, and the mesurement that is most often misunderstood. A horse is measured from the toe to the butress line, which is the last weight bearing surface of the foot, where the hoof wall ends. A ruler should be placed at the toe, and run straight down the center of the hoof. If the heel bulbs are included in the measurement, the boot will be much too large.

If you plan on using the boot over the shoe, you should measure to the back of the shoe. 

Measuring Width:
The widest part of the foot should be measured, straight across the hoof. Sometimes this is forward or behind the centerline. If the foot is chipped badly, estimate where the hoof should be. 
If the horse is between sizes, go with the larger size.

Beacuse every boot size has a different shape, there are instances where some boots fit better than others. Easyboots, Epics and Boas fit a more elongated, oval foot, where Old Mac's are often better for rounder, shorter feet.

We do not recommend the boots if: -They choose Old Mac's and the hoof width is one or more sizes larger than the length OR the length exceeds the width by more than 4 sizes.
-Boa's, Easyboot or Epics are chosen and and the width is one or more sizes larger than the length OR the length exceeds the width by 2 or more sizes.

Common misconceptions about sizing:
1) Horse boots are sized about the same as horseshoes.
This is incorrect.Horse boots vary greatly and each requires an accurate measurement of the foot. Most boot sizes have a fixed length and much of the measurement is based on length rather than width. 

2. Length is measured from the toe to "That part that I can see at the end of teh foot" (the bulb).
Length is measured from the toe to the butress line. Including the bulb will cause a boot to be much too large.

3. Every foot is the same size, so I'll just measure one foot
It is not unusual to have the hind feet be one size smaller than the front feet, or the front feet to be slightly different than each other. Each foot that is booted needs to be accurately measured.

4. I can just trace my horses feet to get an accurate measurement
It is better to pick up the foot and measure with a ruler than to take a tracing. A tracing usually adds at least 1/8" to the measurement (which could put you into another boot size) and many people trace around the heel bulbs which makes the measurement very inaccurate.

5.If my horse wears a #1 Easyboot, he will wear a #1 Boa.
Every boot is sized differently.

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